What is organic farming?

On the certified organic Nutrilite farms and partner farms, the goal is to enhance and sustain the relationship between farming and nature.

The concept of organic farming

We all want to make sure we’re getting good nutrition to support our health. And we’ve all heard that organic foods and ingredients are good for us. But why? What’s so special about organic farming?

Organic farming is better for the soil and the environment than traditional methods and it results in plants and produce that are non-GMO and haven’t been exposed to potentially harmful chemicals through synthetic pesticides or fertilizers.

The agencies that certify organic farms specify all allowable and prohibited substances that can be used on the crops and soil.

Promoting environmental stewardship

For the Nutrilite™ brand, it’s always been a priority to control the quality of the products and the process, all the way  from seed to supplement. Nutrilite founder Carl Rehnborg started that long before organic farming became popular.

He grew his crops in accordance with nature, using natural methods to control weeds, insects or other pests. He knew that replenishing the soil rather than depleting its nutrients would result in better crops.

This early commitment continues today on the certified organic Nutrilite farms and partner farms where the goal is to enhance and sustain the relationship between farming and nature.

Nutrilite farms:

  • Prohibit the use of synthetic fertilizers, harsh chemicals and pesticides.
  • Practice sustainable farming methods that include crop rotation, intercropping, composting, earthworms and water management
  • Create organic compost on site to put nutrients back in the soil.
  • Prevent topsoil erosion and improve soil fertility and water quality with holistic agricultural techniques.
  • Protect the environment and habitats and promote species diversity and a sustainable future for the planet.
  • Use natural methods to control harmful weeds, insects and predators.

What organic farming can look like

Organic pest control

On Nutrilite organic farms, when it comes to pest control, the crews use nature to control nature. An example of this is Copper — one of many  falcons used to control pests at Trout Lake Farm in Washington.

The falcons’ job is to scare away smaller birds that pose a threat to the crops. For smaller pests, the farm crews use natural predator insects such as ladybugs and green lacewings.

At El Petacal, the organic Nutrilite farm in Mexico, they treat the crops with sprays made from cinnamon, hot peppers or garlic extract, which can deter bugs and make the crop distasteful to mice who might want to munch on it.

Organic weed control

Weeds are controlled and suppressed in a variety of ways. Crops are rotated to help prevent weeds from growing. Specific plants are used to help suppress weeds, nematodes and certain other plant diseases.

At Trout Lake, they have custom-designed flamers attached to tractors that burn off weeds within hours of the botanical crop sprouting from the soil. And, of course, the fields are also hand-weeded by staff when tractors and flamers aren’t able to be used.

Organic fertilizer

On Nutrilite farms, the crews do everything they can to not only protect the soil but improve it to ensure the crops get all the nutrients they need.

Each year, the onsite worm farm at El Petacal produces more than 260,000 liters of liquid biofertilizer. The red California worms work nonstop to turn leftover spinach, kale and broccoli powder into a liquid organic fertilizer for the plants and soil.

There are also eight, 80-liter tanks used to create an organic manure (similar to cow manure) to fertilize the crops. The stainless steel “cows” are fed a steady supply of dried alfalfa leftover from the manufacturing process along with amino acids, minerals, healthy fungi, milk products and microorganisms. Over the course of 15 days, that mixture transforms into a rich, liquid fertilizer filled with beneficial microbes that nourish the crops.

Benefits of organic farming

By replenishing the soil — rather than depleting its nutrients — Nutrilite ensures that its plants are rich in nutrients needed for Nutrilite and Artistry™ products.

And following sustainable and organic farming practices helps ensure the products are pure, safe and effective.